Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Continuing in the Hogsmeade weekend badge obtainment, I set about working on the "Love Day" craft.  I also knew that I hadn't yet turned in a project for Charms, where the prompt was:

Craft something that can be used to entrance someone. Must include some purple.

The servers at the Three Broomsticks had suggested some patterns that might qualify for a Love craft, and I took them up on it:

Free pattern by Kinga Erden; must have Ravelry account.

My post:

Her cheeks and the tip of her nose red from being outside during the Hogsmeade weekend, VelvetKey hurries into the Charms classroom with a wide, satisfied smile on her face. Clearly she has been enjoying the festivities of the weekend and looks to be ready to get back to the Three Broomsticks as soon as she’s dropped off her homework.
Professors, it’s been an amazing weekend at Hogsmeade, listening to the different romantic stories and jokes, as well as seeing the magical creatures and enjoying butterbeer. You may have heard of the Love Day challenge, even! The staff at the Three Broomsticks had suggested this lovely pattern to me, and I couldn’t resist putting a littlest bit of an enchanting charm on these slippers, to keep the wearer’s feet as warm as their heart on Valentine’s Day!
Thank you for your time, professors! Happy Hogsmeade!

Just so you know: these are the plushiest slippers I've ever made.  The front post crochet stitches make an extra sqwooshy layer inside that is so springy it's like walking on a cloud.

These slippers are for sale in my Etsy store!

Here are the badges I earned for turning in my Charms homework:

And as an added bonus, the grading professor Loneilteaches awarded me my very own Time Lord:

Mmm!  Eye candy indeed!

We're winding down on the February Hogwarts homework; just a few more classes to go, plus the extra awards for activities participated in!

Craft on, Potterheads and Whovians!

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