Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Commission: Guude Boulderfist

Last year (what seems like a very long time ago!) I got a message on my Facebook page from a lovely lady named Elizabeth (Lilly Love on Twitter) inquiring about the first-ever Guude Boulderfist Mindcrack plushie.

I agreed to make him, and as most know, he took me a veeeery long time.  He hit me over the holidays and I had too many other things going on.  I had promised to make him in time for her to take the plushie to meet the real Guude at PAX South in Texas...and then completely forgot that it was my goal.

I hit some snafus along the way...such as attaching Guude's hands/arms backwards:

Guude (Jason) favorited the tweet!

Mini-Fangirl Fiesta!

Through a few trials and tribulations, I finally managed to finish the plushie and turn him in at Hogwarts for "Detention".  Detention applies to any project that was not started in the target month (in this case, February) but was completed during that month.

Here's Guude's official shiny portrait:

Doesn't he look just dapper?

I earned the Goblin Defiance Award:

There is a warning that there is a power struggle at Gringotts and that because many goblins recognize no wizarding master, they will not stand for any such control over their bank, regardless of what Fudge wants. Create a project that was diffiuclt for you to finish, or that seemed to want to rebel from you, causing a longer time to finish it and you’ll earn the Goblin Defiance Award.
And then of course I couldn't resist a little photo shoot to liven things up a little bit.  I thought my Pause plushie could show Guude how to vacay it up a little bit:

Why yes, those are coconut cups and that's a real ukulele.

And my favorite photo:

No favorite or retweet from Guude this time, but he did favorite when Elizabeth/Lilly Love tweeted him about the arrival of her brand new plushie:

And of course, I did post the picture up on DeviantArt and Reddit (but my timing was very horrible, and it didn't get as many views as the other plushies--oh well!).

I've made great progress on that list from two weeks ago (a couple of snow days will do that to you); I'll be sure to share more pictures and badges with you soon!

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